Contact us
For further information about Murrumbateman Little Athletics, please contact us by one of the following methods:
Telephone: Lisa Tilyard 0415 514 162
2024-25 Executive Committee
Executive Committee | 2024/25 |
President | VACANT |
Vice President | Mikayla Cruz |
Secretary | Poppy Blackwell |
Treasurer | Dominique Mumberson |
Registrar | Leah Karszniewicz |
Head Coach | Katrina Cuthbert |
Ordinary Member | Helene Rushby |
Ordinary Member | Kane Fillingham |
Ordinary Member | Lisa Tilyard |
2024-25 Volunteer Team
General Committee |
Comms Manager | Lisa Tilyard |
Sponsorship and Grants | Steve Okkonen |
Fundraising and Events | Ally Kearsley |
Volunteer Coord | Lisa Tilyard |
Canteen Manager | Ally Kearsley |
Uniform Manager | Katie Davis |
Results coordinator | Rochelle Bretton |
Equipment Manager | Kristin Butler |
IT Manager | Adrian Steward |
Grounds Manager | Helene Rushby |
Grounds Crew | John Cuthbert |
Grounds Crew | Harley Bobbin |
Grounds Crew | Adrian Steward |
Grounds Crew | Patryk Bylinski |
Grounds Crew | Catherine and Stuart Brown |
First Aid Manager | Julie Gorman |
Coach and Age Managers |
Coach | Sarah Watson |
Coach | Mikayla Cruz |
Coach | Kane Fillingham |
Coach | Duncan McPhee |
Tiny Tots Manager | Kristin Butler |
Tiny Tots Assistant | Samantha Tilyard |
Age Manager | Stephen Okkonen |
Age Manager | Adrienne Steward |
Age Manager | Tim Watt |
Age Manager | Paul Watson |
Age Manager | Franc Iglewski |
Age Manager | Bec McCrae |
Age Manager | Nikki Lustenberger |
Age Manager | Cath Eurell |
Age Manager | Josie Araya-Bishop |
Age Manager | David Wight |
Murrumbateman Little Athletics wouldn’t be the great club it is if not for our dedicated committee, who put in hours of preparation, planning, set-up and pack-up each week.